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JSON Fragment

Fragment is a reusable JSON element that can be attached to your Lychee recipes.

Quilt Note

This feature is NOT available for Quilt Loader.


All fragments should be defined in the lychee_fragments folder in a data pack, as a JSON file.

    "value": "Here can be any type of element"


Fragments can be nested.

Use Fragment

First let's assume we have such a fragment:

    "value": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "diamond"
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "emerald"

Replace the Current Element

    "post": {
        "@": "gems"
    "post": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "diamond"
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "emerald"

Spread Elements to the Parent

    "post": [
            "...@": "gems"
            "type": "prevent_default"
    "post": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "diamond"
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "emerald"
            "type": "prevent_default"

Use Variables

You can define variables together with the fragment path, and reference it in the fragment.

    "comment": {
        "@": "comment",
        "name": "Fragment"
    "post": [
            "...@": "gems",
            "amount": 3
            "type": "prevent_default"
    "value": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "diamond",
            "count": "$amount"
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "emerald",
            "count": "$amount"
    "value": "An example of ${name}"