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Try Fruitful Generator !

It's a convenient tool for creating Lychee recipes.

Basic Format

Recipes should be placed in data/<namespace>/recipes/ folder, like normal data-driven recipes.

Name Description Type / Literal
type type string
conditions conditions optional ForgeCondition[]
contextual contextual conditions optional ContextualCondition | ContextualCondition[]
post post actions optional PostAction | PostAction[]
comment language key to show in JEI/REI optional string
ghost only show in JEI/REI but does not take effect optional true | false
hide_in_viewer hide in JEI/REI optional true | false
group show this recipe in a new category in JEI/REI optional string (ResourceLocation)
max_repeats max repeats for a processing. not work for a unrepeatable recipe optional int
additional properties...
Name Description Type / Literal
type type string
fabric:load_conditions conditions optional FabricCondition[]
contextual contextual conditions optional ContextualCondition | ContextualCondition[]
post post actions optional PostAction | PostAction[]
comment language key to show in JEI/REI optional string
ghost only show in JEI/REI but does not take effect optional true | false
hide_in_viewer hide in JEI/REI optional true | false
group show this recipe in a new category in JEI/REI optional string (ResourceLocation)
max_repeats max repeats for a processing. not work for a unrepeatable recipe optional int
additional properties...

Recipe Types

Use Item on a Block

Event when a player uses item on a block.

Currently, interaction with fluid blocks is not supported.

Default behavior: Item is consumed.

This recipe type is not repeatable.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:block_interacting"
item_in the item in player's hand Ingredient | Ingredient[]
block_in the block being used BlockPredicate

item_in can accept an ingredient list with 2 ingredients. The second one is the item in the off hand.


Prevent player from carving pumpkins. Here the prevent_default means do not consume the shears.

    "type": "lychee:block_interacting",
    "item_in": {
        "item": "shears"
    "block_in": "pumpkin",
    "post": {
        "type": "prevent_default"

Stripping an oak log with an iron axe, you will have 50% chance to obtain a diamond:

    "type": "lychee:block_interacting",
    "item_in": {
        "item": "iron_axe"
    "block_in": "oak_log",
    "post": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "diamond",
            "contextual": {
                "type": "chance",
                "chance": 0.5
            "type": "place",
            "block": "stripped_oak_log"
            "type": "damage_item"
Note: Matches empty hand

Use "item": "air" to require interaction with empty hand.

Note: Matches any item

You can use a special ingredient to match any item:

    "type": "lychee:block_interacting",
    "item_in": {
        "type": "lychee:always_true"
    "block_in": "minecraft:stone"
    "type": "lychee:block_interacting",
    "item_in": {
        "fabric:type": "lychee:always_true"
    "block_in": "minecraft:stone"


It is not recommended to use recipe contextual conditions in it, because some contextual conditions are not supported to run on the client side.

Click on a Block with Item

Event when a player click on a block with item.

Currently, interaction with fluid blocks is not supported.

Default behavior: Item is consumed.

This recipe type is not repeatable.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:block_clicking"
item_in the item in player's hand Ingredient | Ingredient[]
block_in the block being clicked BlockPredicate

item_in can accept an ingredient list with 2 ingredients. The second one is the item in the off hand.

Note: Matches empty hand

Use "item": "air" to require interaction with empty hand.

Note: Matches any item

You can use a special ingredient to match any item:

    "type": "lychee:block_clicking",
    "item_in": {
        "type": "lychee:always_true"
    "block_in": "minecraft:stone"
    "type": "lychee:block_clicking",
    "item_in": {
        "fabric:type": "lychee:always_true"
    "block_in": "minecraft:stone"


It is not recommended to use recipe contextual conditions in it, because some contextual conditions are not supported to run on the client side.

Item Entity Burning

Event when an item entity is burnt.

This recipe type is repeatable.

Default behavior: none.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:item_burning"
item_in the burnt item Ingredient


Items such as netherite or nether star can't catch fire.

If you want to make an item fire-immune as well, you can tag it with lychee:fire_immune


Burning logs produces charcoal:

    "type": "lychee:item_burning",
    "item_in": {
        "tag": "logs_that_burn"
    "post": {
        "type": "drop_item",
        "item": "charcoal"

Item Entity inside a Block

Event when an item entity is inside a block. This will be tested every second.

This recipe type is repeatable.

Default behavior: Item is consumed.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:item_inside"
item_in the ticking item(s) Ingredient | Ingredient[]
block_in the block where the item(s) in BlockPredicate
time waiting time in seconds optional int

Drop a bucket into a full water cauldron, it returns a water bucket and empty the cauldron:

    "type": "lychee:item_inside",
    "item_in": {
        "item": "bucket"
    "block_in": {
        "blocks": ["water_cauldron"],
        "state": {
            "level": 3
    "post": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "water_bucket"
            "type": "place",
            "block": "cauldron"

Drop a bucket to pick up a water source block:

    "type": "lychee:item_inside",
    "item_in": {
        "item": "bucket"
    "block_in": {
        "blocks": ["water"],
        "state": {
            "level": 0
    "post": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "water_bucket"
            "type": "place",
            "block": "*"


If the block is a fluid block, the block id is not always the same as the fluid id. To see the block id, you should use Jade mod and enable the "Registry Name" option in the plugin settings.

Anvil Crafting

It is not recommended to add contextual conditions or actions to the recipe, because JEI/REI does not support drawing extra things on an anvil recipe.

This recipe type is not repeatable.

Default behavior: Anvil is damaged.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:anvil_crafting"
item_in the input items (the second one is optional) Ingredient | Ingredient[]
item_out the result item ItemStack
level_cost player's xp level optional int && >=1
material_cost amount of items that will be cost from right input slot optional int
assembling actions that running before the result is displayed optional PostAction | PostAction[]

It costs 1 apple, 8 gold ingots and 1 level to make a golden_apple. Does not damage the anvil:

    "type": "lychee:anvil_crafting",
    "item_in": [
            "item": "apple"
            "item": "gold_ingot"
    "item_out": {
        "item": "golden_apple"
    "level_cost": 1,
    "material_cost": 8,
    "post": {
        "type": "prevent_default"

Block Crushing

Event when a falling block entity lands on a block.

This recipe type is repeatable.

Default behavior: Falling block becomes block or drops item. Canceling this will make falling block disappear.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:block_crushing"
item_in the crushed items optional Ingredient | Ingredient[]
falling_block the falling block. default are all the anvils optional BlockPredicate
landing_block the landing block. default is any block optional BlockPredicate

Papers from sugar canes:

    "type": "lychee:block_crushing",
    "item_in": [
            "item": "sugar_cane"
            "item": "sugar_cane"
            "item": "sugar_cane"
    "post": [
            "type": "drop_item",
            "item": "paper",
            "count": 3

Making a mossy stone bricks block. It uses a location check to check the block below the current position:

    "type": "lychee:block_crushing",
    "landing_block": "moss_carpet",
    "contextual": {
        "type": "location",
        "offsetY": -1,
        "predicate": {
            "block": {
                "blocks": [ "stone_bricks" ]
    "post": [
            "type": "place",
            "block": "*"
            "type": "place",
            "offsetY": -1,
            "block": "mossy_stone_bricks"


Dispenser can now place fallable blocks and items that tagged with lychee:dispenser_placement in front of it. Note the item should not have a special dispense behavior.


Normally it will process all the items that touches the falling block, but if the landing block is tagged with lychee:extend_box (cauldrons by default), it will collect items inside the landing block as well.

Lightning Channeling

Event when a lightning is channeling.

This recipe type is repeatable.

Default behavior: Items are consumed. Canceling this will not prevent item from being damaged.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:lightning_channeling"
item_in items nearby the lightning optional Ingredient | Ingredient[]

Make nearby stone become calcite:

    "type": "lychee:lightning_channeling",
    "post": [
            "type": "execute",
            "command": "fill ~-3 ~-3 ~-3 ~3 ~3 ~3 stone replace calcite"

Item Exploding

Event when an item entity is exploded.

This recipe type is repeatable.

Default behavior: Items are consumed. Canceling this will not prevent item from being damaged.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:item_exploding"
item_in items affected by the explosion optional Ingredient | Ingredient[]


You can tag items with lychee:item_exploding_catalysts to let them be shown in JEI / REI.

Block Exploding

Event when a block is exploded.

This recipe type is not repeatable.

Default behavior: Block drops items from loot table.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:block_exploding"
block_in block destroyed by the explosion optional BlockPredicate


You can tag items with lychee:block_exploding_catalysts to let them be shown as catalysts in JEI / REI.

Random Block Ticking

Event when a block is randomly ticked. (Wiki about random tick)

This recipe type is not repeatable.

Default behavior: Do the default ticking behavior.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:random_block_ticking"
block_in the block BlockPredicate


This recipe type does not have JEI / REI integration.

Dripstone Dripping

Event when a block is randomly ticked.

This recipe type is not repeatable.

Default behavior: Do the default ticking behavior.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:dripstone_dripping"
source_block block that two blocks above the root dripstone BlockPredicate
target_block block that being dripped BlockPredicate
    "type": "lychee:dripstone_dripping",
    "source_block": "water",
    "target_block": "sponge",
    "post": [
            "type": "place",
            "block": "wet_sponge"

Advanced Shaped Crafting

This allows you to add contextual conditions and actions, and control the behaviors of the ingredients and the result.

This recipe type is not repeatable.

Default behavior: none.


Name Description Type / Literal
type type "lychee:crafting"
pattern same as vanilla
key same as vanilla
result same as vanilla
group same as vanilla optional
assembling actions that running before the result is displayed optional PostAction | PostAction[]

With the uses of the set_item action, you can customize the remainders and dynamically change the crafting result.

    "type": "lychee:crafting",
    "pattern": [
    "key": {
        "A": {
            "item": "pufferfish"
        "B": {
            "item": "water_bucket"
    "result": {
        "item": "apple"
    "post": [
            "type": "set_item",
            "target": "/key/B",
            "item": "air"
    "assembling": [
            "type": "set_item",
            "target": "/result",
            "item": "pufferfish_bucket"

Here is a more advanced example that uses KubeJS Integration.


No guarantee that modded crafting machines contains player and location information. You can use check_param to require these parameters to be present when crafting.